Students Missing from LREA/AEA/NEA Priorities

Want to know the priorities of the Little Rock/Arkansas/National Education Associations (LREA/AEA/NEA)? Read their Little Rock School Board Candidate Questionnaire below. I dare you to find the word “student.” 

1. Why do you wish to serve on the school board?

2. a) What do you see as the major problems facing the school district?

b) If elected, what solutions or ideas would you offer to for resolving the problems you’ve noted?3. Please review your qualifications or expertise in the following:
A) School Finance and Budgeting
B) Policies
C) Personnel
D) Instruction & Curriculum

4. What other insights and abilities do you feel you can bring to the position of school board member?

5. a) Are you aware of the salary and benefits offered to employees in LRSD?

b) What impact do you believe the salaries and benefits provided by LRSD have on recruiting and retaining the best possible employees?

c) Currently, the Arkansas Employees Benefits Division is deciding the percentage increase in employee health care premium. The increase has the potential to be as high at 44%. How do you propose dealing with this substantial increase to mitigate the impact on LRSD employees?

6. Would you, as a school board member, continue to support the right of the Little Rock Education Association to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement with the school district with salaries, working conditions and other matters of professional concern?

7. What types of things do you believe the school district can do to improve community relations and build more community support?

8. What do you feel is the appropriate use of standardized tests? Should results of these tests be used to evaluate teachers or determine teacher pay?

9. If elected, during your term LRSD could potentially build two schools. Where do you stand on a comprehensive school facilities improvement plan so that other sites are not allowed to decline further? Where do you stand on a potential millage campaign to improve our physical structures, technology, etc.? How would you, as a school board member, take a lead in a millage campaign?

10. If recommended by LREA, what role do you see school employees and the association playing in your campaign?

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