An Open Letter to Central Arkansas Teachers

Posted By Michele Linch, PhD

To:  Central Arkansas Teachers

From:  Arkansas State Teachers Association

Date: June 25, 2014

RE:  Benefits of ASTA Membership

As a classroom teacher, you have an opportunity be a part of the fastest growing education association in Arkansas. If you are a union member, this opportunity includes increasing your take-home pay anywhere from $400 to over $600 per year as well as double the amount of your liability insurance from $1 million to $2 million. This can be accomplished by joining the Arkansas State Teachers Association (ASTA) and, if applicable, resigning from the teachers union.  

Currently, union dues range from $600 to $800 per year depending on the district. By contrast, ASTA dues are just $16.50 per month or $198 per year. That’s a large savings for three main reasons:

  1. ASTA has no unified dues structure. Your dues go exclusively to your benefits and services, not a national union.
  2. ASTA does not endorse candidates or spend money on partisan campaigns. We are proudly nonpartisan.
  3.  ASTA is a member-driven organization. We do not support or oppose issues unrelated to education.

In addition to a $2 million dollar liability insurance policy in your own name, other ASTA benefits include:

  • Support from a local professional staff
  • Access to supplemental insurance programs, including a complementary life insurance policy
  • A members only discount program for shopping, dining, and entertainment
  • Professional development resources
  • Teacher scholarship and classroom grant program

If you want to support the teachers union by paying an extra $400 to $600 a year, we respect your choice. However, if you want to save money and reap the benefits of a true professional association for educators, you must act NOW.

LRSD and NLRSD union members have a 4 week opt-out window that begins June 15 and ends July 15. PCSSD union members have a 2 week window beginning July 1 and ending July 15.  If you miss the opt-out window, you will be required to pay union dues for the year. Union members must send letters (LRSD requires certified letters) to the union and district payroll office during the window.   

All school employees are welcome to join ASTA on our website or request a payroll deduction application by emailing [email protected]Out of professional respect for those we serve, an ASTA member may drop his or her membership at any time. More information can be found at

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call us at 877-742-ASTA (2782). While we honor and respect the choices you make, we simply want to ensure you know your options. We appreciate your consideration.

Michele Ballentine-Linch, PhD

Executive Director

Arkansas State Teachers Association

6301 Park Plaza Drive, Suite 1

Little Rock, AR  72205

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